Science Olympiad Recruits New Competitors


Science Olympiad is a national science competition in which nearly 5,000 teams compete in 23 events relating to multiple areas of various scientific disciplines. Jamesville-DeWitt High School has its own team, well-known for excelling ahead of many other schools in the region.

The following questions were answered by Katelyn Price, an officer of Science Olympiad at J-DHS.

  1. Who are Science Olympiad’s officers?

The Science Olympiad’s officers are Katelyn Price, Aiden Usher, Gabe Bagatell, Karunmay Aggarwal And Sarah Kornfeld.

  1. What does Science Olympiad do?

We are a team that prepares various science and engineering related events for a regional competition against other schools at LeMoyne College.

  1. What kind of students would like to be involved in Science Olympiad?

Dedicated students who enjoy engineering, science and competitions!

  1. What are Science Olympiad’s goals for this next year?

Science Olympiad’s goal is to go to Nationals.

  1. Why do you think it’s important for students to get involved in Science Olympiad?

It’s a lot of fun!

Grace Evans, '22
Grace Evans is a senior at Jamesville-DeWitt High School. Grace enjoys writing both professionally and personally. In addition to RamPage, she is involved in RamFeed and a few other clubs. Grace is also the Student Board of Education Representative at J-D.