Mrs. Caroline Fleszar has been a vital part of the Special Education Department at Jamesville-DeWitt High School since 2005. Fleszar retires Friday, December 11 and will begin the next step of her life in Florida. However, she plans to return as a substitute while spending her spring at her residence on Lake Ontario.
Fleszar has consistently worked with the students who need her attention the most, never failing to get the job done and make sure they’re taken care of. Before working at the high school, she worked at Jamesville Elementary School. Throughout her time in the J-D system, she has made significant and lasting impacts on her students and colleagues.
Everyone that has been around Fleszar, no matter how long, has an immense amount of love and respect for her bright personality and work. School Psychologist Ms. Howe, when describing Flaszar’s work, explained that “she treats all students with dignity and respect” and does her work with “grace and compassion.” Howe has developed a close outside relationship with Fresznar as well. They are in the same book club, go to dinner together, paddleboard, and hike together. Howe and Fresznar have become friends after working together over the years.
Ms. Nowicki has worked closely with Fleszar in the classroom and explained how Fleszar made everyone feel loved. She said, “Mrs. Fleszar can handle any situation with kindness and grace.” Nowicki feels like she’s known Fleszar forever because of her loving personality. “Mrs. F is a pillar of the G17 program. She can answer any question about the school,” said Nowicki.

Mrs. Fleszar knows the school and her students so well, she has built such strong relationships with everyone through her reliability and her ability to get her job done. Vice Principal Mr. Nylen said, “I personally have always valued her knowledge, particularly as it relates to our students and their needs.” Nylen also added that “we have often relied on the powerful relationships that Mrs. Fleszar has formed with her students.”
Mrs. Fleszar is really going to miss her students. She believes that in the classroom, “being flexible and trying to see the glass half full is a motto that works with the team members in my room. I’m blessed to work with some very kind people.” As much as she will miss her J-D family, Mrs. Fleszar is looking forward to being able to scuba dive and sail on the water in Florida with her husband. And while she is down there, she is also looking to volunteer at an animal shelter. Mrs. Fleszar is really going to miss G17, but living on the water is definitely something she looks forward to.
Mrs. Fleszar has been a key part of the Special Education Department since 2005. Her genuine personality and love for her students will leave a lasting impact.