Get to Know Sophomore Slate 4

Photo shows Sophomore Slate 4 with Lily Wells missing from the photo. Photo Credit: Hannah Trevisani ('25)

Six slates of candidates are running for the sophomore class government for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. Elections will take place during school on June 10. The RamPage interviewed Slate 4 about its agenda for the next school year.

Who is running and what positions are they running for?

Lucy Keib & Vivian Kissane – Co-Presidents

Rebeca Mendez Siquier – Vice President

Lilly Wells & Emma Paul – Co-Secretaries

Hannah Trevisani – Treasurer

Rozir Kirkland – Director of Communications

What makes your slate unique?

[Our members have] multiple viewpoints [and come from] different communities in the school. [In our slate], different communities of the freshman class come together to make one slate. [We would like to promote] students’ art in classrooms.

What are some of your plans for the school year?

[Our plans include] student-led tutoring, study groups, a variety of fundraisers, community-building activities such as more spirit weeks with prizes, and school beautification.

Why should people vote for your slate?

We want everyone to be heard. [We] have set preparations. [We have the] ability to be successful in the future. [We would like the class to engage in] unifying activities. [We also think that] interviewing school communities [would be beneficial].

What will be your main goal as slate officers if you win?

[Our main goals are] supporting and promoting school events [and implementing a form of] student-led learning.

Sophia Caputo, '24
Sophia Caputo is a junior at J-D high school and the Editor-in-Chief. In her free time she enjoys baking and cooking vegan treats, taking her dog Cora on new adventures, and of course writing.