Five slates of candidates are running for sophomore class government for the upcoming school year. Elections will take place during homeroom on Thursday, September, 29th. Get to know Slate 3:
President: N H.
Vice President: Lyra P.
Secretary: Emma M.
Treasurer: Ash B.
Director Of Communications: Rami A.
What makes your slate unique?
Our slate is the most diverse group in the election. We are very artsy, creative and we plan to find new/better resolutions to any problems here at JDHS students may have. Our school isn’t perfect but we can always get better!
What are some of your plans for the school year?
Some of our plans for the school year include fun events, like movie nights and raising money towards jr. prom with things like a pizza slice sale and candy grams. We also plan to collect donations for people in need, like can and clothing drives.
Why should people vote for your slate?
People should vote for us because we have experience and we care about others and their needs. N is our former class president and Lyra is our former class secretary. They both helped raise 500$ last year in office. Being the diverse group we are, we understand that sometimes the standard things don’t work for everyone; So we hope to help make JDHS a comfortable place for everyone in this next year and who knows maybe the next two!
What will be your main goal as sophomore slate officers if you win?
Our main goals as a slate this year would be raising money towards jr prom and helping JDHS be/stay a safe space for everyone!