By Gabrielle Kleiner ’24
Amnesty International is the best upcoming club at J-D!
Amnesty International meets every other Thursday, and not only does it look great on college applications, it’s also very low commitment and a great way to have a voice in global issues. If it sounds interesting, the first meeting is this Thursday, September 22 in the LGR, or you can join the google classroom. The join code is haevmn6.
Here is an exclusive RamPage interview with senior club president, Adelaide Anello about what makes J-D’s Amnesty chapter special.
What is “Amnesty International?”
Amnesty International is a global grassroots organization that focuses on protecting human rights. On a more local scale in schools, amnesty international focuses on raising awareness and educating students about refugee and migrant rights, abortion rights, and much more.
What made you want to bring Amnesty International to J-D?
I saw that our school needed a club that was directly focused on raising awareness for what’s happening around the world. Amnesty International allows students to speak out on a national and local level, giving them freedom to participate in many areas of activism.
Can you give some examples of projects done by other chapters that you want to bring to J-D?
Some schools have planned a petition booth with a bake sale to raise money and support while others work in the community and put up signs as a part of the Refugee and Migrants Rights Campaign.
One of the most popular kinds of projects is making an art installation, poster, or chalk mural to spread a message. I really hope that by including activities into each meeting that are not only educational but collaborative and inspiring, we can keep student interest up throughout the year.
What are your hopes for the future of the club after you graduate?
I really hope to see the club continue putting up creative designs around the school. I know we have really great officers for next year so I can’t wait to see what they come up with!