Balancing student government, school sports, clubs, plus making time for friends and family can be tough, but for Eva Wisniewski, a junior here at Jamesville-DeWitt High School, it’s an everyday task. Last year as a sophomore Wisnewski started a club called Hope For Hounds, became a student government member managing the social media for the group, on top of running cross country in the fall, being a part of indoor track in the winter, and outdoor track in the spring. Beyond all that, Wisniewski loves spending time with her family.
“I get to hear different opinions and figure out what I can do to help other people.”
As a Co-Director of Communications for the student government, Wisniewski manages the social media accounts for J-DHS, and runs the Instagram and twitter accounts for the school. Wisniewski enjoys working with everyone involved in student government. “I get to talk to everyone at school, I get to hear different opinions and figure out what I can do to help other people.” said Wisniewski.
Eva Wisniewski created a club last year alongside senior Amanda Semmel, called Hope For Hounds. The club volunteers at the local dog shelter, Helping Hounds, which is a non profit organization that takes in and sells rescue dogs.
“Spending time with [family] is always valued.”
Wisniewski enjoys spending time with her friends and family apart from her school, life. “We have dinner as a family every night.” said Wisniewski. Her family also has dinner with their grandparents often, and spending time with each other is always valued. Wisniewski also makes time to spend with her friends. “We go shopping, go to the movies, and sometimes we’ll go have a photo shoot and fun things like that.” said Wisniewski.
Junior Eva Wisniewski is a very busy student and yet manages to stay on top of school work and accepts her responsibilities as a student government member and a leader within J-DHS.