The Jamesville-DeWitt school district has recently announced it will be holding vaccine clinics. The clinics will take place on both Monday, January 17 and Tuesday, January 25. Students from ages 5-11 can receive their COVID-19 vaccine shots and students 12 and up can receive their booster. This is made possible from the district’s partnership with Kinney Drugs.
The first clinic on Monday, January 17 will be held at Tecumseh Elementary School at 901 Nottingham Road and is available for any student or staff above the age of 12. This clinic will be specifically for those that have received their first round of shots and are eligible for a booster. The time availability is 12 to 6 p.m. and you can schedule your appointment here.
The second clinic on Tuesday, January 25, will be specifically for students aged five to 11 to receive the initial vaccine shots. This will take place at Jamesville Elementary School at 6409 East Seneca Turnpike from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. For students’ second dose there will be another clinic held on February 15 at the same time of the first dose, so no further appointment is needed to be scheduled. To schedule your appointment, click here.
All students intending to get the vaccine will have to have their parent(s) or guardian(s) fill out a consent form. Kinney Drugs needs to keep this on file in order for students to get their vaccine. To fill out the form ahead of time, click here.