Every year on Thanksgiving Day, family and friends come together to celebrate. However, this year it has become very challenging due to Covid-19. With everyone’s health in the government’s best interest, it is suggested by Governor, Andrew Cuomo, that family and friends should refrain from gathering, and if they do decide to gather, there should be under 10 people. Governor Cuomo explains, “This year, if you love someone, it is smarter and better to stay away. As hard as that is to say and hear, because if I had to predict, you’re going to see a significant spike post-Thanksgiving.”
This year, it is very common for people to not get together with their friends or non immediate family members on holidays, since it would require people from different households to come in contact. This puts everyone at a greater risk for spreading the virus. Most people’s Thanksgiving Day plans and traditions have been rearranged.
J-DHS junior Maddy McKenney said, ”I was supposed to be going to Pennsylvania but we decided it was safer to stay home.” But McKenney is not alone. Junior Kate Wilcox is staying home this year too instead of going to North Carolina. Wilcox said, “We usually would travel to North Carolina to see my mom’s side of the family.”
Even with no travelling involved, most people are just spending the day with their immediate family. Math teacher Mr. Clinton said, “We won’t be getting together with any family, even those family members that live in Syracuse. However, we’ll try to exchange some favorite dishes with one another.”
This can also have an effect on Thanksgiving traditions and the most customary part of Thanksgiving, the big meal. Freshman Mila Morgan said, “I look forward to seeing all my cousins in one place, and we usually play hide and seek in the dark or hang out in the basement,” but this will not happen now due to the regulations put in place. Sophomore Mikey Meskos explained that normally his favorite tradition is “having dinner with my family members.” But now, he said, “some of my family can not come this year.”
Many J-DHS students look forward to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which will still be happening this year, but differently. The parade will be virtual because normally it draws millions of people, obviously not staying within new regulations. Performances won’t be live and nobody will be flying the balloons. Nevertheless, students are staying positive through the chaos. Junior Nina Dermody said, “I’m excited the Thanksgiving Day parade is still happening because it’s one of my favorite traditions every year.”
Luckily, even though much is different about Thanksgiving this year, some things can still stay the same. Most people are looking forward to all of the food, like they would any other year. Junior Sydney Balotin said she’s most looking forward to “eating the delicious appetizers that I make” and the “garlic mashed potatoes.” Additionally, Thursday night football is still being played as in previous years. Junior Nick Dekaney said his favorite tradition is “watching NFL football.” Most families have their own special traditions that are unique to them. Dermody said, “I’m really looking forward to watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, even though I’ve seen it so many times.”
Although this Thanksgiving will be like no other, people are planning ways to make it fun while staying safe. Junior Mason Militi will still be seeing some of her family, but they will be social distancing. She said, “We will be social distancing to make sure we all stay healthy.” Some friends and family are going to gather virtually, so they can be together in spirit. For example, Math teacher Mrs. Byrd said, “We will stay home this year but plan to join family in the evening for some silly online games.”
While this isn’t an ideal situation, as McKenney said, “I think it’s important to make the best out of the circumstances we are under and try to still have a good Thanksgiving and holiday season.”