Thomas Edson
Editor in Chief
Oct. 18, 2016 was a big date for the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District. A proposed facilities improvement plan was voted on and passed. The proposed project will cost $12.1 million, and includes updates to all schools in the district.
Jamesville-DeWitt High School will be the largest beneficiary of the plan. The plan outlined improvements to the parking lots and roads, the cafeterias, and bathrooms in green hall, as well as old Red and Blue halls. In addition, the plan includes plans for the large group room, stairwells, and electrical systems, including the addition of more outlet panels, additional emergency lighting, and upgrades to fire alarms and smoke detectors.

“I’m really pleased with the plan,” said J-DHS Principal Paul Gasparini. According to Mr. Gasparini, many of the renovations are things that have needed to be addressed since he arrived 16 years ago. Mr. Gaspirini especially emphasized the bathrooms and large group room renovations planned.

For many J-DHS students, these proposed improvements have been greeted with great positivity from students, even those who won’t be attending J-D by the time the project is done. “I think J-D really needs improvements and I think that all the things listed are really good ideas,” said junior Gianna Grosso.
Many J-DHS students perked up when they heard about the driveways and parking renovation section. Currently, there is only one way to get to J-DHS, and there is only one lane on every road, thus making traffic, especially in the mornings, extremely backed up. “We need a better way to move traffic, especially parents dropping off their kids, so that students driving don’t have to deal with as much traffic,” said senior Nikki O’Hara.
While many J-DHS students wish for a second road leading into the school, Mr. Gasparini asserted the fact that Edinger Drive would remain the only road leading into J-DHS. “The fact is that we come in from Edinger Drive, and that limits things, but that is how it will remain.” He described possible changes to the use of different lanes, or even possible additions to lanes, but did not give specific detail.
Upgrades to the cafeterias include replacing flooring and lighting in the cafeterias. The large group room will receive a complete redo.

Many students, like Mr. Gasparini, were delighted to hear about the bathroom renovations. “The ones by the new gym aren’t bad, but a lot of the other ones could use some work,” said O’Hara. Mr. Gasparini is excited for these renovations because he believes that the improved bathrooms along with the rest of the renovations will enhance the experience for students and staff at J-DHS.
For more specific details on the entire project, visit the following link: