Lucas Bort, Michael Bratslavsky, and Reinaldo Colon
Staff Writers
Less than seven class days remain and midterms are coming up. Students all over Jamesville-DeWitt High School are starting to prepare for the upcoming challenge. Emotions are all over the place, some students ready to ace these tests, and others dreading to take them.
Most students get nervous as the testing approaches. However, freshman Nate Rindfuss says he doesn’t mind the testing and that it is beneficial to the students and the teachers. Sophomore Alex Pomeroy agrees; “I think midterms are a great assessment and they test what students have learned and understand halfway through the year and it lets teachers know what they will need to focus on the rest of the year.”
With the test so close students are starting to prepare. Freshman Linda Shen says she plans on making a few Quizlets to help her study. Other techniques students mentioned were studying with friends, using notes and using websites. Sophomore Aakash Yalamanchili said he will be using notes and books to study, as well. Some students, such as sophomore Janna VanVranken, will be studying with friends in a study group as well as working on her own.
Some students question whether midterms are necessary considering that there is finals and Regents as well as SATs and ACTs at the end of the year. However, some people disagree. “They really prepare you for college because you will be having finals halfway through the year, so they’re more of a preparatory thing to help for the future,” said senior Elizabeth Sabatino. “I don’t want to take them, but they are necessary to the curriculum,’’ said freshman Maris Ryan.
One aspect of the stressful tests are the testing conditions. The hundreds of students cramped in a gym for a long test can add to the nervousness for some and can alter students capability to focus. Freshman Will Werner is expecting it to be a bit harder to take the test in the gym since it will be hotter and sweatier. “It’s pretty overwhelming at first, but after a few years you get used to it,” said Sabatino.
Since freshmen have not yet taken midterms, some of the older students have advice to help students succeed on their first midterms. Sophomore Colby Porter said that students need to study a lot but not go too crazy because they are not that bad. “(The teachers) hype them up too much, but then you realize it’s just another test,” said junior Liam Kaplan. Some students tend to wait for the last minute to study. Senior Owen Farchione said not to walk in there without reviewing all the material first.
Midterms can be a stressful week, with lots of studying and worrying. Remembering to study and relax before will be very helpful in helping you ace the test.