By contributing writers Sam Wheeler (’27) and Lucy Brown (‘ 28)
The Jamesville-DeWitt Boys Varsity Golf Team had a successful end to their undefeated season. Two weeks ago, the team won sectionals for the fourth time in a row. They went 12-0 for the regular season. Even though seven seniors made up the bulk of the sectional team, they still have lots of underclassmen, and so have a lot to look forward to in the future. They also have some very impactful juniors on the team, said Senior Captain Jackson Saroney.

“Our team camaraderie is great, we are all friends.” said Saroney. Senior Captain Sam Ahn talked about how his role on the team is fun but he has to maintain the captain role. “It’s a really energetic environment, but it is a lot of responsibility.”
With sectionals so early in the year, they did not have a lot of practice time before the big day. Sectionals was a big deal this year with J-D winning the team section in a blowout for the fourth year in a row. How scoring works is that you take your 6 golfers with the lowest score to the match. The lowest combined team score wins sectionals and the lowest individual score wins overall. “We had our round of sectionals at Green Lakes October 5. There were a lot of schools there, but we won by like a lot,” said Saroney. Saroney plans on participating in summer matches before heading to Penn State University in the fall to continue his golf journey.

“Oswego is our biggest competition, because they have good players, and came closest in scoring,” said Ahn.
The guys are now looking forward to state qualifiers in the spring.