Picture of Key Club members volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House.
By: Lisa Troubetaris
The Jamesville-Dewitt High School Key Club is an international service organization that has local chapters in high schools across the United States. The goals of Key Club include promoting leadership skills, volunteering our time to help others and fundraising to benefit local, national and international organizations. Some examples of what we have done in past years include: holding bake sales and pizza sales to help support the Ronald McDonald House and the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, making meals for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House, making sandwiches for the homeless, organizing clothing collections, helping prepare and serve meals at the Samaritan Center, holding non-perishable food drives to support local food pantries, participating in earth day clean-ups and ringing the bells at the Salvation Army Red Kettle donation sites. We have also helped out as volunteers at school and community events when needed.
Key Club is unique in that we are not affiliated with one specific non-profit or charitable organization, so we are able to respond to the needs presented by a variety of groups at any given time. Our sole purpose is to help others and make a difference in our community and beyond.