Freedom of speech and the freedom of the press are rights we have here in America. Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1787, the Constitution gives us the ability to express ourselves in any form without the government restricting the press and what we, as citizens, say or do. Our First Amendment right guarantees freedoms that are concerning expression, religion, assembly, and the right to petition.
The freedom of the press, according to dictionary.com is the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction. This applies to journalists writing for newspapers and magazines, news broadcasters sharing the local, national, and also worldwide news, and even to citizens who want to speak out against the government.
“Our First Amendment right affects most people, no matter what age they may be.”
Our First Amendment right affects most people, no matter what age they may be. Nationally, without our freedom of speech and freedom of the press, the government would have too much power over the people. On a more local level, students should be able to say what they want about our school and the people running it, for the same reason the citizens of the United States can speak freely against the government. If a school limits what the students write, say, or do, it not only goes against our Constitutional right of freedom of speech and the press, but the school officials would have too much power and influence over our lives.
“Many people use this right, and practice it everyday.”
People use their First Amendment right in many different ways. Whether it’s marches, such as the March For Our Lives and women’s marches, or art work, political comics, protests, fashion, music, writing, or even photography, it makes a big difference in many citizen’s lives. Many forms of protests have become popular recently that the First Amendment permits the citizens to use. An example is kneeling during the national anthem at football games and other sports events. The trend started in 2016, by Colin Kaepernick, a football player for the San Francisco 49ers. When he opted to take a knee during the national anthem at a game, it began a national debate on whether it’s right to protest that strongly against our country and the government. Under the Constitution, however, Kaepernick and other athletes wishing to protest are allowed to kneel during our national anthem.
Our Constitution allows us to speak out, protest, and write whatever we want in our on words. This right is important to many people, and helps our society maintain a balance of power between the government and the citizens. Many people use this right, and practice it everyday.