Included In This Issue:
Administrators Hike Up Dress-Code EnforcementWith Most New Classrooms, Hallway Finished, Renovation on Final LapEmbrace All the New and Have a Great Year!Dukies Delighted with iPodsSave High School Dances From Poor Attendance, Lack of EnthusiasmNon-voting Students Beware: The Election Affects UsPresident Bush, Sen. Kerry Expose Differences as Campaigns Conclude, Election ApproachesNew Faculty Fills J-DStudents, Staff Share First ImpressionsAll Teachers Now Logged On To mygradebook.comForeign Language Honor Societies Induct 31 Seniors in First ClassThink the Last Year of High School is All Fun and Games? Think Again. Seniors, Mark Your Schedules With These Important College Deadlines.Job a Stretch for New Athletic TrainerMarcel Perl Shines as Star of Successful Soccer TeamMooney RocksMusicians’ Club Hopes to Strum up Student Activities With More Battles of the BandsRevenge-Themed Video Game a Truly Fab “Fable”The Chow Hound: Cafes dd Spice to Little Italy RevivalMore Alumni Involvement Needed to Change Homecoming From Misnomer Back to TraditionStudents Red-Card Crackdown On Dress Code