By Reed Jaworski
Staff Writer
In honor of breast cancer awareness month, Jamesville-DeWitt High School had two of its “breast” fundraisers yet. There was the Halloween dance held on Oct. 25, and the Pink Out day held on Oct.29, coordinated by the Bust-a-Move club and Corporate Communications class, respectively. Both Bust-a-Move club adviser Simone Pacilio and Corporate Communications teacher Terri Eaton were thrilled with the turnouts.
The dance raised $2,500, and after covering the dance expenses, the proceeds will go to a local breast cancer foundation, Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer. This foundation makes care baskets for local women who are victims of cancer. Mrs. Eaton and her class have yet to decide what charity they are donating to, but she believes the $500-$1,000 they earned will probably go to Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer.
“I’m thrilled with the turn out, but I’m doubly thrilled with the club,” said Mrs. Pacilio. Mrs. Pacilio mentioned how the club was able to put together the dance in such a short time, and was “joyous over how well it went.”
Similarly, Mrs. Eaton is proud of her students for being able to “meet due dates, and marketing techniques.” The class had to design t-shirts, produce them, and sell them. In the short time they had allotted to do it, they managed to sell just under 150 shirts. Despite shortcomings in expected t-shirt sales, the club made up for it with sales in breakfast foods and goods. The multiple successful efforts of the class allowed Mrs. Eaton to deem it a success. “It’s great to know that students here participate in events like these annually, especially knowing they benefit local causes,” said Mrs. Eaton.