Board Candidate Renee James-Murad. Photo Credit: Renee James-Murad
On May 17, the J-D community will vote for the 2022-2023 Board of Education representatives. There are three open spots on the Board and four candidates. Sharon Archer, Renee James-Murad, and Lorianne DeForest are campaigning for reelection, and newcomer Stanley Chen. The RamPage interviewed Renee James-Murad on her platform as a candidate.
How will you, as a Board member, impact the J-D schools and community?
As a parent of three graduates, a former teacher, and a school attorney I believe I can see issues from various perspectives and use my experience to move the district forward.
If elected, what would be the main goal of your agenda during your time as a Board member?
I am running for a second term on the Board of Education to follow through on the Strategic Plan, which focuses on a Culture of Wellness; Curriculum and Programs; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and Community and Family Engagement. I believe this plan will help prepare our students to achieve and succeed.
Many areas in the school receive less attention than other areas, both financially and publicly. Do you believe they should all be covered equally? If so, how would you make sure all areas are covered equally?
I believe all areas in the school should be covered equally. I just had the opportunity to attend the Unified Basketball Team’s first home game which I advocated for and believe opportunities like this help all students get the most out of their educational experience.
Moving forward, how would you plan to make changes to our materials, classrooms, and other areas of the school?
Moving forward the district needs to continue to review and analyze its materials through a culturally responsive lens.
What do you believe is the most pressing issue facing the J-D district?
I believe the most pressing issue is making sure all students are supported so they can reach their full potential.
Many community members likely want to hear your stance on pertinent issues right now. What is your stance on COVID-19 restrictions being lessened and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
With respect to COVID, I believe the district needs to continue to follow the advice of the health professionals. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will continue to be a major focus of mine.
What do you think of the position of Student Board Representative?
I think the Student Board Representative is extremely important. Grace Evans does a wonderful job and we are grateful for all her hard work and for letting us know what the students are concerned with.
Do you believe administrators should have the final say over material published in the school newspaper, rather than students making the executive decisions? Do you support the revised editorial policy?
As Chair of the Policy Committee, I would like to invite representatives of the RamPage to a meeting to discuss their proposed editorial policy.
What are you going to do to make sure students’ voices are heard?
I hope for even more opportunities to get student input. I would greatly appreciate hearing the students’ opinions with respect to policies including the Code of Conduct and Dress Code.
Whose opinions (students, parents, or school officials) should carry the most weight in establishing school policies? Please rank them in order of value.
I believe the opinions of the students, staff, parents, and community members are all vital to the members of the Board.