Five slates of candidates are running for sophomore class government for the upcoming school year. Elections will take place during homeroom on Thursday, September, 29th. Get to know Slate 5:
President: Danny Diel
Vice President: Eli Goldberg
Secretary: Graham Kesselring
Treasurer: Hudson Groat
Director Of Communications: Carson Corona
What makes your slate unique?
Slate 5 is involved in lots of extracurricular activities at Jd. Things like sports and clubs. Slate 5 loves helping people out and having fun.
What are some of your plans for the school year?
Slate 5 wants to have lots of fundraisers such as, bottles and canned food drives, bake sales, walk-a-thons and many others. We want to have these fundraisers to have fun activities in our grade such as prom, talent shows, pizza parties, bingo night, and help out the community.
Why should people vote for your slate?
People should vote for slate 5 because we want our grade to be the best they can be with people they know they can trust. We want our grade to become great leaders and respect everyone no matter what.
What will be your main goal as sophomore slate officers if you win?
If we win, our goals as sophomore slate officers is to raise lots of money for our grade to have the activities that our class wants to have. We want everyone in the class of 2024 to feel like they are always having the best time they can possibly have. If you want the class of ‘24 to thrive…. VOTE SLATE 5!