Photo by Cleo Shiomos, '22
As summer comes to an end, fall athletes have finally gotten the opportunity to kick off their seasons. The Red Ram athletes are beyond excited to have a fall season after a very challenging previous season. Senior players have shared their pre-season thoughts and express their feelings towards having an actual season this year.
Aiden Scott a senior on the boys soccer team: “I think this team is a very good group filled with many skilled players. We started off the season rocky but I think it’s good for all of our egos just to show everyone that we still need to work for our wins. I’m excited for the opportunity to play for more than just a league title this year. Not only can we play for a league title and sectional title, but possibly even a regional and state title”
Anthony Cawley a senior on the boys cross country team: “I’m looking forward to seeing what this team can do, we have a lot of seniors and freshmen, a really great mix of kids. We are ready to shock everyone this year.”
Sydney Balotin a senior on the girls soccer team: “Our soccer season is going really well. Obviously we have a new coach and I think he’s really great and he’s bringing new ideas to the program which is really benefiting our team in the long run. It’s been really nice getting back to playing a full season without masks because it takes me back to freshman and sophomore year when things were actually normal. I’m excited to leave a legacy this season and hopefully bring home a sectional title!”
Rebecca Kasis a senior on the girls cross country team: “I am very grateful to have the opportunity to have my first semi normal season since sophomore year before I leave the high school. I am so excited to be able to finish out my senior year doing the things that I love without as many COVID restrictions.”
Maddie Carter a senior on the girls cross country team: “This year I have become so much more grateful to have a regular season due to how abnormal last year was. I’m so thrilled that I can finish out my last fall sports season being able to experience all the wonderful aspects of sports that were lost last year.”
Matt Keeler a senior on the boys volleyball team: “I honestly think we are going to be really good. We have a solid squad of guys who can do it all. Having a normal season should be fun especially because we can finally grow as a team together with all the games.”
Shiela Phoha a senior on the girls volleyball team: “I’m really looking forward to a normal season since we haven’t really had one in 2 years. I think everyone is excited to get back to as normal as we can and play as a team together during the fall.”
Grace Evans, a senior diver on the girls swimming and diving team: “We were all so excited to get back int the pool together after the obstacles that last years season presented. In just the last two weeks of practices, we’ve already overcome many challenges that have contributed to the mentality of strength and determination that we will carry throughout the season and that will lead to our success later in the season.”
Punn Chittaratlert a senior on the boys golf team: “It’s been really great having a normal season. All of the players were excited to get back into action, especially without having to wear masks, temperature checks, and a regular schedule.It definitely feels good to have everything pretty much the same again.”
Emilia Muradova a senior on the girls tennis team: “First of all, I wanna say I’m so grateful for going back to normal in tennis. It’s so much better then how it used to be because we are all much more comfortable with each other without masks outside and with us all being vaccinated. We don’t have to worry about Covid as much as we had to when we did last year. It feels great to get back on track with everything we used to be able to do before Covid like when we could all touch the tennis balls instead of worrying about minimal contact with each ball. I think our season will go great since JD tennis is mostly how it used to be, and because every individual girl on this team is a hard worker who pulled through the unexpected, strange year of playing tennis with Covid last year. This is because, WE ARE tennis players from JD!”