Photo by Ruby Champagne
Since the publication of our hugely successful cooking feature, 7 Yam Recipes to Try in Quarantine, readers have been adamantly requesting more recipes from Yampage. Demanding them, even. Blackmail has been sent. Yams have been thrown. In any case, we “decided” it was about time we gave our lovely, wonderful, kind, gorgeous, intelligent, fantastic readers some much-needed new recipes to cook their favorite starchy tuber.
And with the holiday season rolling around, what better time to get in the kitchen and whip up some 5-star yam-ified dishes? There’s no better way to spread holiday cheer. In fact, we’ve compiled a list of 12 yam recipes so that this year’s countdown to the holidays (or countdown to the day you run out of yams) will truly be one to remember. Without further ado, let us present Yampage’s 12 Days of Yam Recipes:
Yamsmas Cookies – Either cut yams into cookie shapes or cut cookies into yam shapes. It’s really your call.Yamberry Sauce – Putting the yam in a blender and pressing the “on” button should do the trick. (If it isn’t working, make sure the blender is plugged in).Hot Yamlate – Heat water or milk with preferred heating method (i.e. microwave, saucepan, or blowtorch). Pour in yam. Stir, and enjoy!Yam Pie – Haven’t you heard? Yam is the new pumpkin. Seriously, get with the trends.Stuffed Yams – It doesn’t really matter what you stuff them with. Yamnog – Raw eggs? Gross! Make your eggnog with yams for a delicious, chicken-fetus-free alternative.Yammy Pudding – A twist on the popular figgy pudding. Wait, what is figgy pudding?Yamgerbread House – A favorite among kids! Yams Roasted on an Open Fire – Disclaimer: there is always a risk associated with cooking over an open fire. Especially if you have siblings. Or uncoordinated parents.Yam Casserole – Yams can take green beans any day. Candied Yams – Just yams topped with your favorite candy! (Some of our suggestions are Nerds, Sour Patch Kids, and Junior Mints).Yam – Ham, but for the vegans.
We hope these recipes bring comfort and happiness to your homes over this holiday season. However, if you aren’t confident enough in your cooking abilities to take on these recipes just yet, not to worry. Mr. Hartley has just announced that he will be coming out of food-vlogger retirement to create twelve step-by-step tutorials assisting new chefs in their holiday yam preparation. Additionally, a “12 Days of Yam Recipes” taste-test video is currently in the works by Meals with Momo (and Paige).