If you’re looking for a way to stay active and help a good cause, the Hopeprint Walk the World 24,901 Relay is the perfect way to do both at the same time
Hopeprint is a not-for-profit that helps refugees resettle and thrive. They assist in providing sources and funding for food, housing, healthcare, and more for refugees that need help getting on their feet.
The Walk the World 24,901 Relay is a fundraiser for Hopeprint. Named for the number of miles in the circumference of Earth, the relay is an opportunity to stay active, try new things, and help make a difference.
People can register to participate or just donate to show their support. Once you sign up, you can walk as many miles as you want until June 19th. Walking a mile, as well as participating in other online events, earns points in a competition for prizes.
Some of the point-earning events include drawing classes, cooking lessons, basketball trick shot competitions, and many others (which can be found at http://hopeprint.org/relaycalendar).
You can register or donate here any time until the relay is over. The fundraiser will be capped off with a virtual Finish Line Festival on June 21.