Marissia Potamianos and Jamie Boeheim
Staff Writers
A new school year sometimes initiates new and different protocols. A new system that is being utilized this year is assigned parking spots for the senior lot. Assistant Principal Will Dowdell says that though it has been a few years since they’ve used this procedure, he believes that the students like that procedure has come back and it makes it easier for the faculity to regulate the parking lot.

Why did the administrators decide to make this year differe
nt than previous years and assign spots? Mr. Dowdell said that assigning parking spots to the seniors “makes it a real privilege” to be able to drive to school. Every day when a senior pulls into school, they know that they will have a parking spot. Dowdell also said that assigned parking spots are better because “doing things randomly can sometimes create a lot of aggressive driving in the parking lot.” Dowdell blames the amount of accidents in previous year to the lack of organization. So far this year, there have been no accidents reported. Principal Paul Gasparini adds that he oversaw the project and said he supports Dowdell in his belief that assigned parking is the best action to take for the upper parking lot.
Seniors agree that this year’s push to have assigned parking spots was the right decision. Senior Jamie Rieger says “it’s nice that you don’t have to worry about where you’re parking everyday.” Senior Matt Cappelletti agrees with Rieger and says that it’s “extremely convenient especially if you have late arrival.” Senior Julia Kelner agrees with both Cappelletti and Rieger and says “I like this a lot. It’s better than what we had last year, because we’re guaranteed a spot.” Senior Ben Picone says he is happy as long as he has a parking spot and likes his parking spot because it’s close to the exit. Many seniors also said having specific parking spots restricts the juniors from parking in the senior lot.
Although it has been a hit amoung the majority of the students, some don’t like the new system. senior Emily Pomeroy and Zac RIpich believes that having a first-come, first-serve system would work better. Pomeroy says that the administrators “try to keep us organized, but in a way it causes more problems because people are taking other people’s spots.” Ayrana Nazem agrees with Ripich and said many people have been taking her spot which she doesn’t like. Often, substitute teachers take the student’s parking spots. “When we have a lot of people out sick, subs will come in and they come and park in the senior lot in kids’ spots,” said Dowdell. He continued by saying how the students have been really good when this happens and park in the visitor spots.

The idea to have assigned parking spots is a real hit among staff and students because it keeps the parking lot safe and organized. “It’s been easier because the kids love it and they love having their space,” said Dowdell. Physical education teacher Jeff Ike stands outside in the morning to direct students and make sure everyone has their parking pass. When talking about the benefits of assigned parking he said, “I like that this year, there have been a lot less kids trying to come in without a pass because they know if they don’t have a pass, they’re going to be parking in someone else’s spot.