By Kallen Prosak
Assistant Managing Editor
Everyone cheers for the underdog, and that’s just what the Jamesville-DeWitt High School Boys Varsity Soccer Team was. On Wednesday, Oct. 30 in the sectional semi-final game, the boys played state ranked No. 1 Fowler. The Falcons headed into the game with an undefeated record and a previous in season victory over the Red Rams, but that didn’t discourage the team. “We talked about it before the game and we all had a good feeling that we would (win) because the No. 1 (seed) always has a hard time,” said junior defenseman Xander Ferlenda. The Rams gained the lead in the first half off of a goal from senior midfielder Adam Resetarits. “The first goal was just unreal,” said junior defensman Josh Frank. “It was in the top left corner of the goal and just sailed right over the goalie’s head,” said freshman defensemen Dylan Lichtenstein. Although it was a great goal, “it wasn’t a secured lead,” said Ferlenda. That secured lead didn’t come until later in the second half when sophomore attackman Jordan VanStry chipped it over the Falcon’s goalie’s head to bring the Rams up to a 2-0 lead. “The second goal secured the win and let us feel a bit of comfort,” said Ferlenda. “We knew we finished them,” said Lichtenstein. Now how did the Rams accomplish this upset? “We put all our effort in,” said VanStry. “The team all played better as a unit than ever and we fought 100 percent,” said Frank. “I think what helped us to win was an all-around team effort combined with being the underdog, who nobody expected to make it this far,” said Ferlenda. After winning against Fowler, the boys headed into the Sectional Finals against Christian Brothers Academy. On Saturday, Nov. 2, the Rams headed into a close game with the Brothers. At the end of regulation play the two teams were tied 1-1 as they headed into the first of two 15-minute overtimes. Unfortunately for the Rams, the Brothers were able to get the ball in the goal first and then keep that lead, ending the Rams season.