Photo shows Ms. Leach with her dog. Photo Courtesy of Ms. Leach.
Since the school year started, the display cases outside of the school library have been frequently changing. From Teentober to the current Valentine’s cases, it’s safe to say that the decorator has a myriad of ideas. And ideas indeed, as this year, the library welcomes a new aid.
Ms. Leach, though new to the high school library, is no stranger when it comes to the Jamesville-DeWitt school district. Having lived in the district for the last twenty-five years, her children have been through the J-D program and successfully graduated. However, living here has not been her only experience with the district, as she has been working in the schools for the past 10 years.
Starting out as a special education aid at Jamesville Elementary, a few students may remember her. “It wasn’t hard working with the kids, they were cute,” Leach says. “We had to teach them how to be quiet and to stand in a line.”
Some students may remember last year’s librarian aid, Mrs. B. Having worked at the library for ten years, she has since retired. Though it may seem like a large task to fill in for Mrs. B, Leach says that her experience in the district will allow her to bring in new ideas. “Mrs. B and I are different so I know I’ll be able to bring in new energy and ideas and work with Ms. Panek as a team.”
Despite being new, Ms. Leach has made quite the positive impact on the school environment. Most likely found at the front desks in the library, you can ask her to check out your books or just sign up to stay there during the activity period.