Photo Credit: Public Domain, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
What is your club called?
The YamPage
What does your club do?
The YamPage writers publish satirical and comedic news articles on our website. We are dedicated to bringing the most accurate, reliable, fictional news to the J-D community. Some of our previous headlines include: “Bounty Placed on Freshman Who Called Harvard a Safety School,” “Students Accidentally Get High Off School-Sanctioned Sanitizing Wipes, Form Giant Conga Line,” and “Daniel Tiger, COVID Denier.”
Why should people join your club?
The YamPage gives students the opportunity to publish work unlike anything they’ve ever written at school before. By writing satire, YamPage staff members are able to comment on the state of the school and the world in a way that they are unable to at other J-D publications. Staff writers are also able to receive feedback on their writing and see their work published regularly. And it’s funny. That’s the most important thing.
When and where does your club meet?
The YamPage doesn’t meet like traditional clubs do. Our staff works on articles independently and we hold a few meetings every year. To get involved, students should email Anka Chiorini at [email protected] to learn more about how they can become a part of our staff.
Is there anything you’d like to say to students at J-DHS?
We’re looking for both writers AND readers! Check out our website (jdrampage.org/yampage) to read our past articles as well as our Instagram (@yampagenews) for updates.